Sunday, January 08, 2006

Welcome to the "Land of Unreasonable Reactions"

Emo Lions(!!!!11) and dead christmas trees and a quarter, oh my!

We here in Astoria pride ourselves on tacky decorations. Or at least, the residents all up and down 35th street seem to. What, then, happened at midnight on January 9th? The block turned into a pumpkin?

Out for a late night cigarette, bjork's "Hidden Place" in the headphones, I was psyched for the nightly festival of Christmas lights that has adorned every Greek and Italian home within walking distance... only to discover that not a single, dinky light was left. The Princess Martha (the apartment building across the street) was barren, having denuded itself of a veritable mirage of lights in the entrance way. The concrete Emo Lions(!!!!11) on the pillars of a nearby walkup had been stripped of their festive bows (they have a little bounce in their step tonight). Discarded christmas trees had been laid head to head along the edge of the sidewalk as in a mass grave. Even the fire hydrant looked naked (oh wait; that's just me overdramatizing). Suddenly, a week past New Year's, everyone turns sullen and dark and takes down the adornments simultaneously? Is this a little known city law, or did I miss the memo?

Luckily for me, I found a slightly rusty quarter to cheer me up (the Emo Lions[!!!!11] were little consolation). Perhaps this is New York's way of telling me to buck up and deal with what shall be the coldest, most unfriendly months of the year. Little does New York know that I was already subjected to a fate worse than winter last year... when I lived in Chicago. IN YOUR FACE, BIG APPLE!! Bwahahaha.



Blogger Kate said...

Rawr. So cross all the time.

11:31 AM  

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